
Access policy principles and guidelines

In the context of the development of Open Science, IRs form the basis of an open European digital space. Some RIs have set up innovative data management services that are recognized throughout Europe. In addition, the identification of RIs via DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) enables them to be cited in any scientific publication that makes use of the data, materials, etc. they offer. These citations have already made it possible to measure their strong contribution to the development of knowledge.

RARe is a research infrastructure open to all research units, as well as to all public and private research players.

Several charters define the operation and accessibility criteria, based on several key principles: openness, sharing, transparency, data access, economic sustainability and regulatory compliance.

See also

Modification date : 30 October 2023 | Publication date : 11 February 2021 | Redactor : RARe - Edition P. Huan