
Plants pillar

The Plants pillar, BRC4Plant, provides access to genomic resources maintained by the Centre National de Ressources Génomiques Végétales (CNRGV) and to genetic resources maintained by the network of Genetic Resource Centers of French agronomic research and higher education establishments.

Plant genetic resources are an essential tool not only for making the most of the diversity of existing cultivated varieties, but also for developing new ones, at a time when agriculture must adapt to new environmental conditions, new technical itineraries and new economic and ecological priorities.

Ressources biologiques des plantes

AgroBRC-RARe ©Florilège

The Florilège portal offers a focal point of entry to the biological resources of plants for agriculture conserved in France (metropolitan and overseas). It represents the network of plant Biological Resource Centers (CRB) managed by INRAE, CIRAD and IRD.

 Plant genomic resources 


Located at the INRAE center in Toulouse, the Centre National de Ressources Génomiques Végétales (CNRGV) aims to centralize and promote plant genomic resources of interest to the international scientific community. As such, the CNRGV distributes these resources and offers services for your plant genomics research projects.

BRC members of plant's pilar 

CRB BrACySol : The BrACySol Biological Resource Center conserves and characterizes around 20,000 accessions in genetic resource collections of various cultivated species: Brassica (cabbage, turnip, rapeseed and mustard), Allium (shallot and garlic) and Solanum (potato and rela.

CRB CARPIA : The Carrot and other vegetable Apiaceae BRC maintains collections on carrot (Daucus carota) and tuberous chervil (Chaerophyllum bulbosum), including scientific resources, generated mainly during research programs, and so-called heritage resources, managed mainly in conjunction with the national Carrot and other Daucus genetic resources network.

CRB Céréales : The Centre de Ressources Biologiques des céréales à paille (Clermont-Ferrand straw cereals biological resource center) groups together the major species of agronomic interest in the genera Triticum (wheat), Hordeum (barley), Secale (rye), X Triticosecale (triticale) and Avena (oats), as well as their wild ancestors.

CRB Citrus : The CRB Citrus manages one of the five largest citrus collections in the world, and ranks first among European and Mediterranean collections. Its richness and the quality of the material it conserves are internationally recognized.

CNRGV : The CNRGV is both a Biological Resource Center (BRC) dedicated to plant genomic resources from model and cultivated species, and a laboratory offering effective plant genomics tools to the national and international scientific community.

CRB Coffea : A la Réunion, l'IRD et le Cirad gèrent le CRB Coffea, qui préserve les caféiers sauvages d'Afrique, de Maurice, de Mayotte et de La Réunion.

CRB GAMéT : The GAMéT Biological Resource Center (Seeds Adapted to Mediterranean and Tropical Conditions) is located in the ARCAD building attached to UMR AGAP in Montpellier. The collections come from three BRCs: CIRAD's CRB-Tropicales (CRB-T) in Montpellier, and INRAE's CRB-Maïs and CRB Medicago in Mauguio.

CRB Lég : The Centre de Ressources Génétiques pour les espèces légumières à graines is hosted by INRA's GAFL unit in Avignon. The main collections maintained concern melons, tomatoes, peppers and lettuces.

CRB Prairies : At Lusignan, the genetic resources center managed by the Grassland and Forage Plant Research Unit (URP3F) has been awarded the "Centre de ressources biologiques" (CRB) label by the Ibisa scientific interest group. It conserves around 1,300 natural populations or old varieties of grasses, alfalfa and clovers.

CRB Protéa : Pea, faba bean and lupin collections representative of natural genetic variability, recombinant line populations (pea and faba bean) and induced mutant collections of Pisum sativum and Medicago truncatula species are maintained and characterized by CRG Protéagineux.

CRB Pru-Ju : The Centre de Ressources Biologique Prunus conserves over 2000 stone fruit accessions: apricot, almond, cherry, peach and plum.

CRB RosePom : This CRB brings together collections of apple, pear and quince trees, mainly in the field and in DNA form, and rose trees, mainly in DNA form, the roses in the field being conserved by the rose gardens.

CRB Vanira : The Centre de Ressources Biologiques Vanille de Tahiti (Tahitian Vanilla Biological Resource Center) is part of this effort to conserve, promote and disseminate Polynesian vanilla trees in compliance with Polynesian regulations and international conventions. It will enable the selection of new, more resilient vanilla varieties with a high content of aromas or other molecules of interest. The collection comprises 120 accessions collected on the islands and 250 hybrids (interspecific and intraspecific). These accessions are kept in 2 greenhouses/shadehouses on the island of Raiatea and in in vitro culture.

CRB-VASC : The Centre de ressources biologiques (CRB) de Versailles for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana offers online ordering of the biological material it distributes: insertion mutants, accessions from natural populations and mapping populations (RIL, F2, HIF).

CRB Vignes : The Centre de Ressources Biologiques de la Vigne de Vassal-Montpellier represents France's central ampelographic collection. Its size and richness make it the benchmark conservatory at international level. The CRB-Vigne is currently housed in the INRAE Experimental Unit at Domaine de Vassal in Marseillan-plage (Hérault), with plans to transfer it to the INRAE Experimental Unit at Pech Rouge in Gruissan (Aude).

See also

Modification date: 26 July 2024 | Publication date: 30 November 2017 | By: RARe - PH