Quality management


The RARe research infrastructure aims to develop a dynamic of continuous improvement within the CRBs that make it up, by helping to implement quality management systems. In this way, it aims to optimize BRC operations. To this end, it proposes shared support actions for the benefit of its members.


The RARe Research Infrastructure's Quality network operates on two levels:

  1. the Quality working group, in which each of the 5 Pillars is represented;
  2. the network of quality referents from the Research Infrastructure's CRBs, which encourages the sharing of experience between structures. This organization makes it possible to pool tools, approaches and services.

In this folder

It concerns yeast strains collected on the isles of Reunion and Guadeloupe.
The Forest Pillar of the AgroBRC RARe research infrastructure is a multi-site Forest Biological Resource Centre. It has been certified ISO 9001:2015 since the end of 2021, for the field of application: "Collecting, conserving, characterising by genotyping and distributing forest biological resources with their associated data".

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 20 October 2020 | By: RARe - Edition P. Huan