
European registers of biological resources and dataverse RARe

In the context of the development of Open Science, research infrastructures form the basis of an open European digital space. RARe members have set up innovative data management services that are recognized throughout Europe.

European registers of AgroBRC-RARe collections

IMAGE Data Portal  : Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources. The IMAGE project web portal integrates gene bank and collection data with genomic data, geographic information system data and other information generated as part of the H2020 IMAGE project, by the RARe animal pillar. IMAGE|Home (

Catalog of microbial resources (and associated data): MIRRI offers users a single point of access to more than 400,000 high-quality microbial resources, the number of which is constantly growing, and which are made available by more than 50 partner biorepositories. These resources cover all types of microorganisms, such as bacteria (and their bacteriophages), archaea, fungi (including yeasts), eukaryotic viruses, microalgae and other microbiological materials such as cell lines, natural or plasmid-bearing constructs, DNA libraries, and genomic DNA. The MIRRI information system will also provide users with all relevant information and associated contextual data (metadata) on microbial resources, as available - for example, taxonomy, ecology, pathogenicity, morphology, physiology, chemical characterization, DNA barcoding or genomics. Microbial Resources & Data – MIRRI-ERIC

FAIDARE data portal: The aim of this portal is to facilitate the discovery of public plant biology data from a federation of established data repositories. It is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates access to genotype and phenotype datasets of crop and forest plants through an easy-to-use web interface. It is an extension of the generic Data-Discovery portal. It was developed by INRAE-URGI in collaboration with Elixir Plant, and Elixir-fr/IFB. FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic REsearch (

EURISCO European Catalogue of Plant Genetic Resources: The portal provides information on over 2 million accessions of cultivated plants and their wild relatives, conserved ex situ by around 400 institutes. It is based on a network of national inventories from 43 member countries, and represents a major effort to preserve the world's agrobiological diversity by providing information on the great genetic diversity conserved by collaborating institutions. Home (

RARe dataverse on

Recherche Data Gouv, an ecosystem for sharing and opening up research data

Logo Data Gouv

Research faces a major challenge: preserving, sharing and opening up data to promote open, more transparent and more cumulative science for the benefit of all, research teams and society as a whole. Recherche Data Gouv has been designed to support research teams in their work of structuring data to make it easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable - in other words, in line with the "FAIR" principles. Each member of the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem contributes to the influence of French research by sharing and opening up data.  The ambition of Recherche Data Gouv is to become a service of the European open science cloud (EOSC), offering access to the heritage of shared and open research data to promote its reuse! 

Modification date: 04 July 2024 | Publication date: 04 July 2024 | By: RARe - PH