
Animal pillar

CRB-Anim was set up as part of an Investissements d'Avenir project funded by the ANR from 2012 to 2019 (ANR-11-INBS-0003). The project aims to enrich collections, develop new methods for collecting and conserving reproductive resources, and molecularly characterize resources.
AgroBRC RARe  © CRB Anim

This pillar brings together 6 BRCs that manage genomic or reproductive resources for domestic animal species raised in France (mammals, birds, fish, shellfish). It concerns both farm animals and pets. The species concerned are managed on a national scale by breeders' associations or selection companies.

CRB @BRIDGe (Jouy-en-Josas) manages genomic resources (BAC banks, blood samples, tissues, DNA, etc.) for farmed species.

CRB Cani-DNA (Rennes) manages genomic resources (blood, tissue and DNA samples) for dogs and related species, in a network with the National Veterinary Schools and the Antagene company.

CRB CARARE (CARibbean Animal genetic REsources, Petit-Bourg) manages genomic and reproductive resources of ruminants and pigs from the Caribbean and collections of genetic and reproductive material, both for the preservation of local animal species diversity and for physiological and genetic research projects.

CRB CBN (Cryobanque Nationale, Paris) manages reproductive resources (semen, embryos, cell cultures) for livestock species, in a network with insemination centers and includes several mirror sites maintained by INRAE, technical institutes or breeding companies.

CRBA (CRB Animales d'Oniris, Nantes) is a biobank that ensures the reception, preparation, conservation and availability of animal biological resources collected as part of the care activities at the University Veterinary Hospital of Oniris and in partner veterinary clinics and LabOniris analysis activities.

CRB CryAnim (CRB de VetAgro Sup, Marcy-L'étoile) manages canine and feline seeds, mainly from CERREC's activity, rabbit and equine embryos and seeds, as well as blood and nucleic acid samples from individuals with tumor diseases and/or genetic origin.

Modification date: 04 July 2024 | Publication date: 12 September 2017 | By: RARe - PH