@Violaine Rochet INRAE

RARe MICROBIOTE Scientific Day, Thursday, December 10

The RARe Microbiota Day is an event launched by the community of Biological Resource Centers for Agricultural Research gathered in the RARe infrastructure. This first day will be dedicated to issues related to the conservation of microbiotes/microbiomes and the methods available to evaluate it.

The RARe animation days identify promising themes for the scientific community that impact the activities of the BRCs. They aim to bring together RARe actors around these common themes and to communicate with scientific teams on the challenges associated with the proper management of biological resources and on the support that RARe BRCs can provide to ensure traceability, sustainability, distribution and promote their development..

Vision of the microbial themes in which RARe's BRCs are involved

Animation : Michel-Yves Mistou (RARe, CIRM, MaIAGE)
Moderation Questions : Christian Mougin (RARe, Biochem-Env, EcoSys)

Focus on the conservation of microbiotes and methods to evaluate it

10h00-10h05 : RARe infrastructure welcome message, Michèle Tixier-Boichard (RARe, @BRIDGe, GABI)

10h10-10h40 : Issues associated with the preservation of microbiomes, Emmanuelle Maguin (MICA, MICALIS)

10h45-11h05 : Stakes, technological locks and technical solutions for the conservation of the soil microbiota, Samuel Mondy (Genosol, Agroécologie)

11h10-11h20 : Pause-Café    

11h20-11h40 : Microstore: Evaluation of the effects of conservation on the genetic structure and metabolic capacities of communities, Perrine Portier (CIRM CFBP, IRHS)

11h45- 12h05 : FLEGME : Which microbiota for fermented vegetables?  A research project in participatory science, Florence Valence-Bertel (CIRM BIA, STLO)

12h10-12H30 : Implantation of the intestinal microbiota in pigs: dynamics and links with robustness at weaning., Jordi Estelle-Fabrellas (GABI)

12h35-13h30 : Pause-déjeuner

13h30-13h55 : The SAMBO platform and Ring-Test results of metabarcoding & metagenomic analysis, Christian Morabito et Almeida (SAMBO, MGP)

14h00-14h25 : The culturomic project MWD, Philippe Langella (MICALIS)

14H30- 15h30 : ROUND TABLE

  • Gilles AUMONT (DISC)  
  • Michèle BOICHARD (RARe, @BRIDGe, GABI)
  • Claire Rogel-GAILLARD (GABI) 
  • Emmanuelle MAGUIN (MICA, MICALIS) 


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Modification date: 23 April 2024 | Publication date: 22 October 2020 | By: RARe