
International Scientific Advisory Board

The infrastructure's International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) is made up of :

  • Scientists from various European and non-European countries, with expertise in the various themes covered by the infrastructure.
  • Members of the Infrastructure Governance Board.

The infrastructure's International Scientific Advisory Board provides advice and opinions on :

  • the infrastructure's annual activity report
  • The infrastructure's major current and future orientations, and the added value of the services it provides for higher education and research, and the science-society nexus.
  • The visibility and value of the infrastructure's impact on higher education, research and the science-society nexus
  • Forecasting the development of scientific and technical skills needed to create value through the infrastructure
  • Integration and recognition of the infrastructure within international biological resource management networks.

See also

Modification date: 30 October 2023 | Publication date: 28 July 2023 | By: RARe - Edition P. Huan