
Access policy principles and guidelines

In the context of the development of Open Science, research infrastructures form the basis of an open European digital space. RARe members have set up innovative data management services that are recognized throughout Europe.

RARe dataverse on

Recherche Data Gouv, an ecosystem for sharing and opening up research data

Logo Data Gouv

Research faces a major challenge: preserving, sharing and opening up data to promote open, more transparent and more cumulative science for the benefit of all, research teams and society as a whole. Recherche Data Gouv has been designed to support research teams in their work of structuring data to make it easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable - in other words, in line with the "FAIR" principles. Each member of the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem contributes to the influence of French research by sharing and opening up data.  The ambition of Recherche Data Gouv is to become a service of the European open science cloud (EOSC), offering access to the heritage of shared and open research data to promote its reuse ! 

Enhancing research infrastructures

In addition, the identification of Research Infrastructures via DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) enables them to be cited in any scientific publication that makes use of the data, materials, etc. they offer. These quotations already allow us to measure their strong contribution to the development of knowledge.

  • RARe, Ressources Agronomiques pour la Recherche / AgroBRC, The French Networks of Biological Resource Centres for Agricultural, Environmental and Life Sciences, DOI:10.15454/b4ec-tf49
  • CRB-Anim, INRAE. Centre de Ressources Biologiques - Pilier Animal / CRB-Anim, INRAE. Biological Resource Center for Research on Domestic Animals, DOI:10.15454/1.5613785622827378E12
  • BRC4Env, the Biological Resource Centre for the Environment (BRC4Env)  DOI:10.15454/TRBJTB
  • CIRM, INRAE. Centre International de Ressources Microbiennes / CIRM, INRAE. International Center of Microbial Resource of AgroBRC, DOI:10.15454/1.5613788897481968E12
  • FBRC, INRAE. Centre de Ressources Biologiques d'Arbres Forestiers, Pilier Forêt / FBRC, INRAE  Biological Resource Center on Forest Tree, DOI:10.15454/1.5613761929199846E12
  • BRC4Plants. Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les plantes / BRC4Plants. Biological Resource Centres for plants of AgroBRC-RARe, DOI:10.17180/WN42-3J20
New metadata in HAL to reference research infrastructures

The HAL repository form has been enhanced with a new metadata that allows you to specify which research infrastructure you used in your research. By allowing you to specify in the repository form which infrastructure was used to produce your research results, HAL makes it easier to identify them, and contributes to the promotion of these essential tools. The list of infrastructures is a closed list, drawn from the data available on data.gouv. Any publication presenting research that has used one of these infrastructures can thus add it to the repository. To find out more, click here: Valoriser les infrastructures de recherche dans le dépôt HAL (

See also

RARe est une infrastructure de recherche ouverte à toutes les unités de recherche ainsi qu’à tout acteur de la recherche publique ou privée.

Plusieurs chartes définissent le fonctionnement et les critères d’accessibilité autour de plusieurs grands principes : ouverture, partage, transparence, accès aux données, soutenabilité économique, conformité aux réglementations.

Modification date: 04 July 2024 | Publication date: 11 February 2021 | By: RARe - PH